Čís. položky 120

Neapolitan school, 18th century,

Neapolitan school, 18th century, - Mistrovské kresby, Tisky do roku 1900, Akvarely a miniatury

Study of two bishops surrounded by putti, presumably a design for a ceiling decoration, black chalk on laid paper, 27,7 x 40 cm, mounted, unframed, (Sch)

Collection Ludwig Pollak (1868-1943), Prague and Rome, Lugt 788b;
collection Giancarlo Sestieri, Rome.

Expert: Mag. Astrid-Christina Schierz Mag. Astrid-Christina Schierz
+43-1-515 60-546


22.04.2021 - 15:20

Odhadní cena:
EUR 900,- do EUR 1.200,-
Vyvolávací cena:
EUR 900,-

Neapolitan school, 18th century,

Study of two bishops surrounded by putti, presumably a design for a ceiling decoration, black chalk on laid paper, 27,7 x 40 cm, mounted, unframed, (Sch)

Collection Ludwig Pollak (1868-1943), Prague and Rome, Lugt 788b;
collection Giancarlo Sestieri, Rome.

Expert: Mag. Astrid-Christina Schierz Mag. Astrid-Christina Schierz
+43-1-515 60-546


Horká linka kupujících Po-Pá: 10.00 - 17.00

+43 1 515 60 200
Aukce: Mistrovské kresby, Tisky do roku 1900, Akvarely a miniatury
Typ aukce: Online aukce
Datum: 22.04.2021 - 15:20
Místo konání aukce: Wien | Palais Dorotheum
Prohlídka: online